
La canción de la nostalgia

No soy escocesa ni pisé nunca suelo escocés ni es éste mi folklore, y sin embargo esta canción me transmite de forma cabal la añoranza por el pequeño rincón del mundo que tanto amamos, sea cual fuere para cada uno de nosotros.
Y este video me encanta, la sencillez de estar tocando la guitarra en el campo frente a la casa, los amigos que dan un paseo por la playa, la gente del pueblo que se junta alrededor del fogón una noche de verano al lado del mar y cantan todos juntos....
Ojalá cantáramos más. Ojalá cantáramos juntos.

Mull of Kintyre

Mull of Kintyre
Oh mist rolling in from the sea,
My desire is always to be here
Oh Mull of Kintyre

Far have I traveled and much have I seen
Dark distant mountains with valleys of green.
Past painted deserts the sunsets on fire
As he carries me home to the Mull of Kintyre.

Mull of Kintyre
Oh mist rolling in from the sea,
My desire is always to be here
Oh Mull of Kintyre

Sweep through the heather like deer in the glen
Carry me back to the days I knew then.
Nights when we sang like a heavenly choir
Of the life and the time of the Mull of Kintyre.

Mull of Kintyre
Oh mist rolling in from the sea,
My desire is always to be here
Oh Mull of Kintyre

Smiles in the sunshine
And tears in the rain
Still take me back to where my memories remain
Flickering embers growing higher and higher
As they carry me back to the Mull of Kintyre

Mull of Kintyre
Oh mist rolling in from the sea,
My desire is always to be here
Oh Mull of Kintyre

Mull of Kintyre
Oh mist rolling in from the sea,
My desire is always to be here
Oh Mull of Kintyre

Paul McCartney

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